Erosion and Sediment Control Projects
Erosion and sediment control (ESC) is an important part of any construction project. Bare and exposed soils are subject to wind and water that can move these soils across the landscape and potentially end up in our sensitive waterways or wetlands. This can negatively impact fish, aquatic bugs and plants, water quality (including water used for drinking and swimming) and water depth.
Ensuring soils are stabilized and kept on site is the best way to protect your investment and the natural environment. In addition, ESC is often a requirement of many of the permits issued by Kawartha Conservation. Some simple but effective erosion and sediment controls include silt fencing, fibre rolls, erosion control blankets, straw bale check dams, etc. Information on how to effectively install and maintain these controls can be found below.
2023 Erosion & Sediment Control Symposium Videos
Kawartha Conservation in partnership with the City of Kawartha Lakes, hosted an Erosion & Sediment Control Symposium in Fenelon Falls. This event brought together construction and industry professionals to share expertise, techniques, and insights in sediment and erosion control.
Kawartha Conservation would like extend their thanks to the presenters, attendees, exhibitors, staff, and volunteers for making the 2023 Erosion & Sediment Control Symposium a success. We also could not have made this possible without the support of the City of Kawartha Lakes. Thank you for the support in making this symposium a reality.
Erosion and sediment control factsheets
Check out our ESC Factsheets to learn more about installation, maintenance and removal for silt fences, straw bale check dams, fibre rolls and erosion control blankets.
To Download the PDF of each Fact Sheet, click on the Thumbnail image.
Determining slope
An important part of determining what erosion and sediment control is best for your site is to determine what kind of slope is present which relates directly to erosion risk. For example, a silt fence may not be an appropriate erosion control for a steep slope. Instead, an erosion control blanket may be more effective to stabilize the soil. Please refer to the slope calculation guide found below to determine the erosion risk related to the slopes on your site.
To Download the PDF of the Slope Fact Sheet, click on the Thumbnail image.
Erosion and sediment control training videos
Follow along with the videos below to learn how to install erosion and sediment control infrastructure on your own property, as well as the latest erosion and sediment control best management practices and concepts.
Silt fence |
Strawbale check dams |
Fibre rolls |
Erosion control blankets |
Erosion and Sediment Control 101 |
Erosion and Sediment Control Best Practices |